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  • Writer's pictureAshton James

Finding Joy in the Mundane

Motherhood is great, but there are some things that are just not enjoyable. Personally, I would rather do just about anything than housework. Maybe you’re different from me, but there is NOTHING I find enjoyable about wiping down countertops, cooking a full meal for the fifth day in a row, or scrubbing filthy toilets. Things like these make me frustrated. I end up getting in a bad mood and do not complete these tasks with a joyful heart. 

My first problem here is just that: not serving my household with a joyful heart. Colossians 3:23 says, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” Wow. That hits home. I rarely ever think of mopping the floors as if Jesus was going to walk on them. I would be much more inclined to clean with a joyful heart knowing I was cleaning for the creator of the universe. 

Speaking of joy, true joy only comes from the Lord. Joy is a fruit of the spirit, the Holy Spirit, the gift we are given as children of God. Without the Holy Spirit, we cannot be truly joyful. We can have momentary happiness, but we cannot have true joy. It is true joy that sustains us day to day. If you find yourself lacking in pure, genuine joy, maybe it’s a good time to reflect on your relationship with Jesus. Ask Him why you're struggling with this specific fruit. If you’ve never had a relationship with Jesus, reach out to us. We’d love to tell you exactly what that means. 

I’m sure you came here for more than just self reflection. You came for some tips! Don’t worry, I have some of those, too. 

  1. Pray for the person you’re serving.

Whether you’re putting up your husband’s dishes, vacuuming your child’s crumbs out of the couch, or changing the third stinky diaper of the day, it is much more difficult to become frustrated or have a bad attitude if you’re praying for the person you’re cleaning for or after. Even simple prayers of thanksgiving can change your attitude. “God, thank you for my husband who works so hard and provides for my family.” Maybe you can pray for protection over the person. “God, I pray for my child, that you will protect them as he/she grows.” You can even pray for that person’s salvation. “God, I pray for my child, that he/she will have a personal relationship with You.”

  1. Pray for your attitude. 

This seems simple, but it needs to be said! Asking God to change your heart will have a huge impact on you and your family. You can even pray for a desire to serve your family in this way. 

  1. Play music.

Maybe you’ve prayed and just need more of a pick-me-up. Have some music playing in the background. You could also play some soft instrumental worship music while you’re praying or play some worship music, upbeat Contemporary Christian, or whatever else you’re in the mood for. Have a dance party with your Swiffer. Put a smile on your face. Have some fun. 

  1. Listen to a podcast or audiobook.

If it’s your thing, a podcast or audiobook could be a great way to pass the time. My favorite tip is to up the speed by just a little bit. (I prefer roughly 1.22x speed.) I use the Hoopla app for audiobooks. It’s free with a library card. For podcasts, my favorites are the Set Apart Podcast and Parenting to Impress. You can also have The Bible read to you through various apps, like Dwell

  1. Phone a friend. 

Some of my favorite mundane days are the ones shared with long distance friends. I love having video calls with friends where we do chores together. It’s a great way to pass the time and have a sense of accountability. 

Even with all of the immediate relief of boredom that these five tips may bring, remember that true, lasting joy comes from the Lord. Realize that serving your family ultimately serves Him–what you’re doing matters. On those long, hard days where you feel like you’re barely treading water, give it to God. Tell him your struggles and ask for help as you get through your never-ending to-do list. Ask for a joyful heart. He will help you. 

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