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About Sara

Hi! I’m Sara Leininger, originally from Mississippi but currently residing in Marion, AR with my husband Aaron and our cat Oakley. 

Aaron and I have been married for a little over a year, but have been together for four years altogether. I moved to Marion with him just after our wedding and have been job hunting/doing odd jobs in the meantime ever since. Aaron and I met through work, at a wonderful place called the Delta Research and Extension Center in Mississippi. He was a technician, and I was a summer worker while completing my undergraduate work. He pursued me in a chivalrous and gentlemanly way, which struck me because that is so rare now! We started dating that summer, he went on to a new job, and I, into graduate school for my masters (under the same person I worked for as a summer worker).

From then on, we went long-distance until we got married. Long-distance was a challenge and a strain, but I wouldn’t trade that time now because (as cliche as it sounds) it made us appreciate what we have now even more.

In college, I studied biology and environmental science as an undergraduate and agricultural entomology as a graduate student. If you’re like most people and aren’t familiar with that–entomology is the study of insects. So agricultural entomology is the study of insects that affect row crops (cotton, corn, soybean, sorghum, etc.) 

So to summarize, I am a science nerd. 

In March of 2022, I started feeling SUPER fatigued and had to pee more often. Covid? UTI? I wasn’t sure what had me down, but I wanted to take the possibility of pregnancy off the table. I bought a test, took it, and needless to say I did not rule it out…

My emotions were everywhere. We hadn’t planned this. We were literally leaving to go on our first wedding anniversary trip the next day. I thought we’d wait at least another year before trying. But the Lord had other plans for us! Aaron being the sweetheart that he is, took the news very calmly and lovingly. We went on our trip and just took the weekend to enjoy our time together and digest this new phase of life that was coming–ready or not.

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