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  • Writer's pictureAshton James

Creating a Bible Study Routine with a Newborn

It is so difficult to keep a routine of any kind with a baby in your life. I know for me, it’s so easy to get caught up in household maintenance that I have a tendency to neglect what’s most important: my time spent with God. After a few months of struggling, I have come up with a few simple things to keep me on track with studying my Bible. 

  1. Create the time

First and foremost, we need to have the right mindset when it comes to quiet time. We need to create the time, not simply find time. We will never “find” the time. Create a daily appointment with God and keep it above everything else. I am not good at this by any means. I struggle every single day, but this is the goal I have for myself and the reminder I must keep on repeat in my head. 

  1. Wake up early

I know this isn’t fun, but we should give God our first time, not our leftover time. I’m so guilty of this. I love to sleep in while my daughter is still sleeping, but I do know that my days are better when I spend time with God at the start of it. 

  1. Do Bible study during nap time

As a stay at home mom, I am able to take advantage of nap time to not only get my chores done but also spend time with God on the days when I don’t wake up early enough. I also try to remind myself that God-time comes first, chores come second. It is so difficult to keep that mindset when you look around and see all the things that need to be accomplished that day, but I can guarantee you that there are no regrets when it comes to spending time with God. 

  1. Ditch the materials

I love all the things: highlighters, colored pencils, notebooks, study guides, magnetic book marks. You name it, I’ve got it, and I feel like I can’t study my Bible without them. I know I’m wrong though! While those tools are nice and helpful, they are not a requirement for quiet time. All you need is God’s word.

  1. Pick a small passage

Don’t feel like you have to read 4-5 chapters a day. Pick a book of the Bible to read through section by section or find a simple Bible reading plan. 

I’m definitely not perfect. There are still days that I miss, but I am reminded that God doesn’t focus on those days. He doesn’t want me to focus on those days either. He wants me to pick back up where I’ve left off, so don’t be discouraged, Mama! Don’t feel like it’s been “too long” or that you “need to start on Monday.” Simply get up and give God what you have. That’s what he asks for. 

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