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Tips for Overcoming Morning Sickness

Morning sickness, better known as all-day sickness, is no joke. I was so terribly sick when I had my daughter that I lost a considerable...

Third Trimester Symptoms

I am officially writing to you from week 39 of my pregnancy and can honestly say, it’s been a ride. I have felt just about every emotion...

What to Expect: Childbirth Classes

If you’re like me, knowledge is power. I can’t go into too many major situations blind, I have to have SOME idea of what to expect (pun...

Hostess Gift Ideas

I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that I...

What to Expect: Glucose Test

Prenatal glucose screenings are a necessary part of pregnancy. But what do you need to know about them? Sara breaks down what to expect.

What to Expect: First Prenatal Visit

What exactly happens at your first prenatal visit? Sara and Ashton have collaborated to give you a little insight as to what you can expect.

First Trimester Blues

This March, I took a long-term substitute teaching job at the local junior high school. It was a pretty uneventful gig, telling students...

Blog: Blog2
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