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  • Writer's pictureAshton James

Preparing for your Baby’s Shots

There is something so nerve wracking about your baby’s first shots. Babies are so innocent and pure, and the idea of a needle touching their sweet little legs is heartbreaking. While you have the right to feel every single emotion, here are four things that can make those shots a little bit more bearable for you and your little one.

  1. Have a bottle ready or be prepared to nurse.

Soothing your baby immediately after those nasty shots is going to be difficult, but milk makes everything better! 

  1. Give your baby Tylenol after the shots, or even an hour before.

Of course speak to your doctor about this prior to your appointment, but Tylenol can help ease any pain or discomfort associated with the shots and medications.

  1. Dress your baby in something easy to take on/off

The nurse will inject the needle into your little one’s legs, so it’s best to have your baby in something that can come off easily. For instance, if it’s summer time, have your child in shorts. For my little girl, I had her wear a dress with bloomers or rompers for each of her appointments. If your child is a winter baby, consider dressing him/her in a sleeper or something similar. The main goal is to keep from struggling with getting hour baby dressed while he/she is crying.

  1. Know the crying doesn’t last forever.

I can confirm: the sound of your baby crying after the shots is the saddest sound in the world, but it does end. Your baby won’t cry forever, even if it seems like that in the moment. 

  1. Give lots of snuggles and take your time leaving.

Do not feel pressured to leave the exam room. Sit with your baby as he/she eats and calms down, no matter how long that takes.

For a bonus tip, if your baby is also receiving oral medicines, have his/her pacifier ready. My nurse administered the medication as my daughter sucked on her pacifier so it would more easily go down. 

You’ve got this, Mama!

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