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  • Writer's pictureAshton James

Avoiding Diaper Rash

The last thing we want for our babies is a diaper rash. We buy all the creams and apply it like crazy in attempts to prevent so much discomfort for our little ones. Even though I was doing all the things for Eloise, I never once thought about taking care of myself until I got a dreaded diaper rash.

I had severe swelling and pain after delivery that lasted for weeks. All I was concentrating on was feeling better. I was using padsicles or numbing spray as often as I could and wore a pad at all times with the exception of the shower. Never did it occur to me that healing my bottom could cause a whole other problem.

Here are three things you can do to avoid a diaper rash:

Get out of the pad/diaper as much as possible.

Wearing a pad all day was my main problem. For weeks, I had something damp constantly rubbing my bottom. My best advice would be to lay a towel on your bed and lay there without a pad or underwear. Allowing your bottom some time to breathe makes all the difference. Even just thirty minutes can have a huge impact.

Order period panties.

Once your bleeding subsides, invest in period panties. Even if you just wear them around the house for a couple hours, it will feel so good to get out of the pad/diaper.

Use a diaper cream.

How innovative, I know. Whatever your child is using, consider applying some to yourself! If it’s good enough for a newborn baby, it’s good enough for me.

Maybe you’re like me. You already have a diaper rash, and you’re looking for some answers. You’re in luck! You can also use these three tips to help treat your diaper rash.

Postpartum diaper rash is no joke, and I had no idea it was even a possibility. Know that if you get it, you aren’t alone and it, just like everything else, will eventually heal.

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