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How We Met

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

It’s the summer of 2013. Sara and I are heading into our senior year which, in the state of Mississippi, means we are eligible to attend Girls’ State. Girls’ State is a week-long event held at the University of Southern Mississippi designed to teach young women about how our government works. We were randomly assigned the same “city” and same “political party” which means we got to hang out all week long. We quickly found out that we are from the same little part of Mississippi known as “The Delta” and bonded pretty quickly. If you read our separate “about me’s,” you’ll know that neither one of us took away any type of political career from Girls’ State. If you ask us, a lifelong friendship formed is better than anything we learned (and later forgot) from that experience.

The years passed, but we always stayed in touch. Even though I hadn’t lived in the delta for several years, I still traveled up that way with my mom and sister every year or so, and I’d make a point to visit with Sara during our trip.

Fast forward to spring of 2022. I’m nine months pregnant and will be having my baby shower in just a couple days. Naturally, Sara is invited. She texts me and says she can’t make it to the shower because she’s pregnant! I’m obviously so excited for her and wanted to help her in any way I can.

While I was pregnant, I felt like there weren’t a ton of reliable and real resources. I was getting the majority of my information from two ladies I had found on Instagram, so I wanted to make sure Sara felt comfortable enough to ask me anything. I was sharing my baby and breastfeeding must-haves and pouring out all the advice I could give as I was acquiring it. Several times, we found ourselves saying, “This may be TMI, but…”

That’s how this blog came to be. We want to give women who might not know where to go or feels like it might be “too much information” a peek into our conversations. We don’t know everything and don’t claim to. All we know is what we are living right now, and we want to share those experiences with you.

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