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  • Writer's pictureAshton James

Ways to Save Money with a Newborn

I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. 

This post may contain affiliate links that I may earn a small commission for (at no additional cost to you). 

You may realize by now that babies can be expensive. Between diapers, wipes, toys, and general baby care, the expenses seem endless, but I have found some ways to save a little bit of your money. I will preface this by saying just because I’ve had a good experience with these products does not necessarily mean they are for everyone. I’m very grateful that my daughter does not have sensitive skin, and we are able to use store brand products. That may not be an option for you, but know that there are still several ways to cut back in other areas. 

Yes. Number one on this list is buying store brand products when you can. I have tried several diaper brands, and I will say Huggies and Pampers do surpass them all. However, if your child is able to wear store brand diapers, Parent’s Choice diapers are the way to go. They are very similar to Up & Up, but they are a little larger in size and seem to work a little better. My daughter actually preferred Parent’s Choice over Luvs or Pampers Baby Dry. I’ve tried several wipe brands as well. Again, Parent’s Choice takes the cake. They’re both cost efficient and work really well. They come apart from each other easily, and they glide over the booty with ease. 

Store brand products don’t have to end with diapers and wipes. I made the switch from Lansinoh breast milk bags and nursing pads to, once again, Parent’s Choice, and it’s been great! I will say I had one faulty batch of breast milk bags. They seemed to leak once thawed, but I will continue to buy them because that seemed to be a singular instance. I actually prefer the Parent’s Choice nursing pads over the name brand. They seem softer to me. You can also purchase reusable nursing pads to cut down on costs, but I have not personally tried those. 

Another brand switch I made was from the ever so popular Dreft to a generic Free & Clear detergent. Yes, the Dreft does smell wonderful, but it was too expensive for me to continue to buy. Another bonus besides the price is that you can use Free & Clear detergents for your whole family! I continue to wash my daughter’s clothes separately, but now our clothes, sheets, and towels are safe for her skin, too. We can feel comfortable snuggling up with our daughter without any irritants on our clothes. 

Saving money on toys, books, clothes, and baby gear can be a little more difficult. I recommend shopping at local discount stores, liquidation centers, or even Facebook Marketplace. You can do a quick google search to find places to shop in your area. My personal, local favorite is Dirt Cheap. I found my child’s crib mattress, swimming pool float, and tons of toys at Dirt Cheap. Another great place to search is your local thrift store or Goodwill. I found lots of items for really cheap at these places, especially books. My local thrift store has all their books for ten cents year round. Don’t forget about getting your child a library card, either. He or she can find some great books there, including board books. This is a great way to read different books without breaking the bank. Another great resource is Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. You can go to this website and search if your area has a local branch. If so, you’ll receive a new, age-appropriate book every month until your child is five years old, and it is completely free for you. 

You might also want to consider opting out of name brand baby accessories/gear. I know I did. I have the Parent’s Choice bottle warmer, and it works great. It even has a sanitize feature. I also got an off-brand co-sleeper instead of a dock-a-tot. I know a lot of people love the Hatch, but I decided to go for a separate sound machine and nightlight to save $30. Instead of the name brand Diaper Genie, I got this diaper pail. I even found cheaper refills, too. 

Another thing to keep in mind is to buy items that are multifunctional and grow with your child. You may want to consider a crib that turns into a toddler bed. You can get a walker that also turns into a bicycle and then a scooter like this one. You can get a bouncer that turns into an activity table. You can purchase a high chair that turns into a booster seat. Also, when considering baby gear, try to avoid purchasing larger items, like swings, until you know your baby needs them. At least keep the receipt if you decide to go ahead and purchase them. 

I know this may sound bad, but the best thing I did was bargain hunt for items and return what was gifted to me. I know I had a couple things that I was given at baby showers that I ended up returning because I found a phenomenal deal elsewhere and was able to purchase one or two more things for my child. At the end of the day, the person who gifted that item to you just wanted to help you and your baby get a kick start at this new stage of life. I don’t think anyone would be upset at you for finding a steal and taking advantage of it!

The options and possibilities are endless. The main thing here is being intentional with what you buy. Yes, some toys are only meant to be played with for so many months. Some specialty items cannot be avoided. Some babies need the more expensive diapers and wipes, but take the conservative approach where you can. Thrift the items you can. Buy clothes second hand or out of season when they go on sale. Just know the main thing is that your baby is fed, clothed, and has a roof over his/her head. Everything else is just for fun, and you are doing great.

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